Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Naughty vegies (and recipes, and a surprise free gift!)

 Well, it's not grown up, and it's not clever, but it IS pretty funny... 

We found this very amusing while in the Netherlands!According to a recipe I found, Winterpeen is the name for the big ones (oo-er!)
Picked up this beauty at the markets and made him into stovetop baba ganoush!
Summerpeen, perhaps?A cucumber from the States, pic sent by a lovely friend who was obviously impressed by it's perfection, lol.  You can make them into Agua de pepino (cucumber limeade), it's a Mexican treat!
BONUS FRUIT, WHAT A FREE GIFT! Look at this Rubenesque Corella pear.  Why not make this TMX (Thermomix) Pear and Raspberry cake? Nom nom nom ;-)

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Playing around with buttons

Who remembers playing with the button box as a kid?  I do.  My mum had an old biscuit tin full of buttons that I think must have come from my grandma's house, and it was always the biggest treat to be allowed to sort through them.   And nowadays, buttons are cool and crafty, and I've been using them to make pictures as birthday gifts:

There is method in this madness
Happy BD Lesley!
I've been using a combination of new ones, vintage ones from the op shop, and also adding beads and other elements to create texture and interest.  I'm pretty happy with the results so far!

crochet  +

Catie's birthday tulips in progress
Almost finished tulips - just needs some bling.  Catie loves it!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Ode to my Thermomix

 Fine kitchen god, my Thermomix
You sit there on the bench
And cook for me, and clean thyself,
You're worth all the expense!
Weigh and chop and grind, O beast,
until the dinner's done -
Prepare for us all a veritable feast,
then a pudding made from plums. 

Of German make, your heart is strong,
your motor guaranteed.
Your metal parts are hospital grade, and
you make us an awesome feed.

Your nickname is TED, you're our Eating Device,
Technical through and through.
Risotto, soup, make cake, grind flour,
there's nothing that you can't do!

Thanks to Robert Gardiner for his excellent guide to writing an ode!

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Caution - attack cats patrol here!

Cue insane laughter here...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha hahaha hah ha!!  The only danger in our house is of being suffocated by Tabby's large amount of belly fluff, or having your head explode from Ada's cuteness.

And if that doesn't finish you off, the puppy will lick you to death.

Enter at your own risk!

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Goodness Gracious, great balls of fun!

Screams of joy or laughter? Can't hear 'em, don't care ;-)

Adelaide Ballzup is a lot of fun!  These giant globes of goodness are on the Torrens Lake in the school holidays, and the kids have done it twice now.  It's good value, and very, very entertaining to watch.  For $10 bucks the kids are zipped into the chambers, and they get five minutes of pretending to be hamsters while you get five minutes of peace and quiet (the balls are relatively sound proof, even better!).  When they get out they are yelling for more!